Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly, Leave the rest to God

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011


When I have no one to turn to
And I am feeling kind of low,
When there is no one to talk to
And nowhere I want to go,
I search deep within myself
It is the love inside my heart
That lets me know my Angels are there
Even though we are miles apart.
A smile then appears upon my face
And the sun begins to shine.
I hear a voice, so soft and sweet
Saying, 'Everything will be just fine'
It may seem that I am alone
But I am never by myself at all.
Whenever I need my Angels near
All I have to do is call.
An Angel's love is always true
On that you can depend.
They will always stand behind you
And will always be your friend.
Through darkest hours and brightest days
Our Angel's see us through
They smile when we are happy, and will cry when we are blue..
Thanks for being my Angel my friend
I will be there for you until the end.

Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

The Sleeping Beauty

Once upon a time, there is a country led by a wise and fair king. People prosperous and fulfilled all his needs. But there is one that still less, the King was not blessed with child.
Every day the King and Queen always pray for a child. Finally, the King and Queen pray granted. After 9 months pregnant, the Queen give birth a beautiful female child. The King was very happy and he held a royal feast and invite friend and all people. The king also invited 7 good witches for their good spells.
“Be thou a good heart princess,” said the first witch.
“Be thou a beautiful princess,” said the second witch.
“Be thou an honest and elegant daughter,” said the third witch.
“Be thou a good dancer,” said the fourth witch.
“Be thou a happy princess,” said the fifth witch.
“Be thou a good singer,” said the sixth witch.
Before the seventh witch give the spell, suddenly the Palace doors open. The wicked witch entered, shouted, “Why I’m not invited to this party?”
The last witch that had not had time to spell hid behind the curtain.
“Because I was not invited, I will curse your daughter. The old wicked witch immediately approached the princess’s bed, saying, “The princess will die impaled needle yarn spinners, ha ha ha ha!”
The wicked witch leaved immediately after spell the curse.
People there were surprised to hear the curse of the evil wizard.
The king and the queen cry sadly.
At that time, the seventh good witch showed up, “Don’t be worried, I can alleviate the evil witch’s curse. The princess will not die, she would only asleep for 100 years after exposure to needle yarn spinners, and she will wake up back after a prince came to her “, said the seven witches.
After that incident, the King immediately ordered that all the yarn tools spinners in country immediately collected and burned.
Sixteen years later, the princess has grown into a beautiful and kind girl. Not long after that the King and Queen travelled abroad.
The beautiful princess lived in the palace. She walks out of the palace. She entered in a castle. Inside the castle, she saw a room that she had never seen previously.
She opened the bedroom door and get in to the room, she saw an old woman was spinning yarn. After talking with an old woman, the Princess sitting in front of the spinning wheel and began to play the spinner instrument.
When she was busy playing loom, suddenly her finger pricked by spinning wheel needle. She screamed in pain and fell down to the floor.
“Hi hi hi … you’re dead!” said the old woman who turned out to be the old wicked witch.
The loss of the Princess made her parents worry. Everyone instructed to find the Princess.
They found her, but she was in trance.
“My princess!” wailed the King.
At the moment came the young and kind wizard.
He said, “Don’t worry, my lady would only asleep for a hundred years. But, she will not be alone. I will spell you all to sleep, “he continued, casting his magic spells to the whole palace. Then, the witch closed the palace with thorn bushes so no one could enter the palace.
One hundred long years had passed. A prince from overseas happened to pass by a closed thorny bush palace.
According to villagers in nearby, the palace was inhabited by a terrible dragon. Of course Prince didn’t believe it on the news.
“I’ll kill the dragon,” said the Prince. Prince went to the palace. When he arrived at the palace gates, the Prince took out his sword to cutting bushes that block his way.
However, after repeatedly cut back the bush grew back as before.
“What bush is this?” Prince said in surprise.
Suddenly appeared a young wizard kind, “Put this sword,” he said, giving a shiny base.
With the new sword, the Prince made it into the palace.
“Well, that’s the tower guarded by a dragon.” The prince was soon climbing the tower.
The old wicked witch looked that incident through the crystal ball.
“You finally came, prince. You’ll curse my magic!”
The wicked witch hurried up to the tower. He is facing Prince.
“O Prince! If you want to go, you have to beat me first!” cried the wicked witch.
In an instant, the witch changed himself into a dragon a scary giant dragon, hot as fire.
The Prince got away from the flame. He deflected emanating rays from the mouth of the dragon with his sword. When the base of the shining sword, beam bounce back to the eyes of the giant dragon. Then, with lightning speed, the Prince cast his sword toward the dragon’s neck.
“Aaaa ..!” the dragon fall lying on the ground, and transform into the wicked witch shape, then die. So the old witch’s body was gone, the thorn bush been covering the court were vanish.
In the palace, the flowers begin to bloom and the birds singing cheerfully. Prince was amazed to see that.
The nice and young wizard said to the Prince.
“Prince, you have removed the curse of this palace. Now go to where the Princess’s bed,” he said.
Prince headed to a room where the Princess slept. He saw a beautiful lady with cheeks as red as roses the fissure.
“Princess, open your eyes,” he said, hold Princess’ hands. Prince kissed her cheek. At the same time, the curse of the princess lost.
After sleeping for a hundred years, the Princess woke up with confusion.
“Ah! What happened? Who are you?” she asked.
Then the prince told her all that have happened to the Princess.
“Prince, you’ve defeated the hideous dragon. Thank you Prince,” said the Princess.
In the palace hall, all the people wait for the Princess.
The King and Queen were very happy when they see the Princess in good health.
They are thanked the brave prince.
Then the Prince said, “My lord king, I have one request. I’d like to get married with the Princess. ”
The King agreed. Everyone was happy to hear it that.
Princess’s wedding day and the prince arrived. People came in droves from all over country to congratulate. Seven witches also come with a gift.

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

LOTTE WORLD (South Korea)

Name: Repi Wulandari
Class: 3 SA 02
NPM: 12609348

This is my softskill assignment, i choose Lotte World for one of beautiful places in South Korea, because it's freaking awesome for spend your holiday (Amin). So, I wanna share about it. Enjoy this article ! 

Lotte World is a major recreation complex in Seoul, South Korea. Opened in 1989, Lotte World It consists of the world's largest indoor theme park (a Guinness World Record) which is open all year around, an outdoor amusement park called "Magic Island", an artificial island inside a lake linked by monorail, shopping malls, a luxury hotel, a Korean folk museum, sports facilities, and movie theaters all in one place.

Lotte World is like a small city with an amusement park, folk museum, sports centers (including the skating rink and swimming pool / water slide park), shopping centers, and hotels. Most facilities are indoors, so they can be enjoyed throughout the year. An open central area, so some level people can watch other people ice skating, enjoy travel, dining, and shopping.

Indoor Adventure is the world’s largest indoor theme park and hosts a dazzling variety of seasonal festivals and parades all year round including the Masquerade Festival, the Rio Samba Carnival, the Halloween Party and the Christmas Festival. With the theme of “Little World Village”, Indoor Adventure features 22 different rides including the Conquistador, the French Revolution, the World Monorail, the Flume Ride and Camelot Carousel. Visitors can access Magic Island, the outdoor theme park of Lotte World through a connecting passageway on the 2nd floor and visit the Folk Museum on the 3rd floor.

The Lotte World Folk Museum provides an excellent experience Korean history and culture through miniature and daily life size representations and events khusus.Museum provide a range of cultural programs for children and adolescents, the performance of activities along with special exhibitions and has continuously increased new features and special shows to avoid stagnation. The museum has several areas to see (Historical Exhibition Hall, Miniature Village) and the participation of local viewers (Performance Hall, a traditional Korean market). Traditional wedding plaza offers visitors the ability to have a traditional Korean-style wedding.


Korea's Lotte Department Store is one of the leading department stores. Shopping center with dozens of small specialty shops around the large, open central area that has a large food court. Tables are arranged around an open area so people can watch ice skaters while they eat. It even has a large duty-free shops for foreigners