Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly, Leave the rest to God

Senin, 28 Februari 2011


Hei guys, i'm Revi Wulandari and u can call me Revi. I was born on Jakarta, Desember 20th 1991 and i live in Depok. This is the fisrt time i know about Apresiasi Sastra. You know, what am i thinking about ?? Yes, I'm fear since my lecture said about this subject. He said that he would teach us about drama, telling story, singing, poem, yoga and many more. I'm fear because i never do this before and I'm not confident.

By the way, I have some characters, such as (B)ashful (I)mpressive (T)rusty (C)are (H)umble and (F)unny (U)nique (C)urious (K)ind and i also moody-an, but i don't choose friends, infact i love making friends.

My hobbies are singing (although my voice not good enough), listening to music (music can describe my feeling), travel / hanging out (although i don't have much money), surfing the internet (it can make me not bored anymore), watching western films (it can develope my language skill), i like writing and i love challenges.

I like music instrument and trial and error. Formerly, i ever join music instrument course and i choose keyboard class when i'm in Senior High School. I'm difficult to figure out musical note and just four months i join this class. I also ever dancing, i start when i'm in 7 years. I was dancing traditional dance and got the first champion.
The last dancing when i was in the second Senior High School. I was dancing modern dance, but i don't got a champion because one of my friends make mistake motion of the dance. Actually, i don't want to dancing anymore because i realize that i grow up to be adult.

I write something and i posting the article in my blog, but i never write a poem and i'm just write short story. Now, i'm interesting with magic. Anyone, can u teach me the magic ?? *hopefully

I have some dreams, like i want to be able to speak English fluently, success in my study and work. I hope i can go to abroad. I like turki so much, because there have many history about Islam civilization and i curious about turkish and i attempt to learn turkish via internet education (travel linguist).
I hope enjoy this class and make me confident and give me some experiences.

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