Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly, Leave the rest to God

Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

I SWEAR (short story)

I was in a hurry to my campus for an exam. According to the digital clock in my motorcycle, it was 15 minutes before I reached my classroom. Right after my quick glance at the clock, I notice the traffic light at the intersection was green. Cars, motorcycles, buses, trucks, and other vehicles were buzzing all around me, passing me by and leaving me behind. Riders and drivers seemed to use that road as if it was an F-1 arena when they actually only wanted to escape the inevitable ‘fate’: the red light. Frankly, I too hate the red light.
            Another meter or so and I would traverse the intersection. I gazed at the traffic light: the green was about to switch to yellow before finally it signaled red. I give more speed to my ride and went ahead safely and legally. As luck would have it, a police officer was already in front of me, to my right side. “pull over, pull over”, his voice commended me amidst the busy street noise.
            I know life often brings about the unpredictable. When we are quite sure that our plan would go smoothly,  it goes the other way. When we propose a solution to our problem, more problems pour down on us. But that day I couldn’t help cursing, cuz I ain’t feeling I was doing something wrong. So I fought it. I played around with my brake. I hate the brake lack a daisically, released it, kicked it, intermittently. Part of me wanted to confront him, another part of me realized I could get into trouble if I didn’t play a good civilian, so finally I stopped-200 meters from the spot where I could have stopped, had I kicked the brake whole heartedly.
            I stood my bike in a full stop. My bottom was still stuck on the saddle. I managed to keep the machine rattling. I didn’t dare to turn it off, avoiding the risk of not being able to start the engine again (now you know my motor’s bad habit)
            “Morning”, he greeted me.
            “Mor…ning”, I responded hesitantly. I know I’m not wrong, but why should my heart beat rapidly?
            “your license, please” said him. 

(to be continued.....)


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