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Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

Cheonjeyeon Waterfall (South Korea)

Name: Repi Wulandari
Class: 3 SA 02
NPM: 12609348

 This is my softskill assignment. i would like to show you one of beautiful places in South Korea.

Cheonjeyeon Waterfall. This lovely waterfall is in a parklike area, with a traditional pavilion, and bridge, near Jungman Resort. Located on the west of Jungmun village and the east of Saekdal-ri, Cheonjeyeon is named as a legend says that fairies who supported the Heaven God came down to have a swim and then went up to the sky. Under Bridge Cheonjae across a river, there is three-points waterfall. There is a pond in the every point where the waterfall drops,.
Bridge 'SunImGyo' is an iron archi-shaped bridge which is connected from east to west across the river between two points waterfall and three points waterfall. Tourists can see Cheonjeyeon valley and a luxuriant forest on the bridge. This bridge connects the waterfall to Jungmun resort complex.
On the bridge’s both steel columns, there is a sculpture of seven fairies who
This fairy sculpture’s length is 20m and 14 sculptures of fairy in both sides attract the tourists’ attention. A length, height, width, and weight of this bridge is 128m, 78m, 4m, and 230 tons respectively.
Around the bridge, there are Cheonjeru, Korean traditional architecture style tower, and Obokcheon that a image of turtle, dragon, pig, mandarin duck, and carp is carved on. Tourists may pray for lucks throwing a coin into the lucky bag-shaped sculpture in the middle of Obokcheon. These coins are donated to help poor people at the end of year.
In Cheonjeyeon valley, ‘Seven Fairies Festival’ which revives the legend of seven fairies is held every two years.

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