Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly, Leave the rest to God

Selasa, 12 Juli 2011


Umm.. Now, i'm pretty miss him. I don't know much what does he feel?. Actually, i start to loving you and i don't want to losing u. But i don't know what cause it.

The first time, i'm just gonna be ur friend. But u give me something special. Although it isn't the present or other things, rather give me affection. It's the BIGGEST HAPPINESS i guess.
And it can change my feeling to be extraordinary thing.

Do u know something that can make me smile? U just only sending txt attention. It more than enough :)
i never thinking before that u can speak like that. Do u remember this short our conversation? :

'' Jika kamu yakin akan cinta ini, yakin kan lah ! Karena keyakinan akan membawa kamu kedalam cinta yang tulus tanpa adanya paksaan ''.

Sometimes, i can't confidence with my own self. I'm fear that u'll crestfallen with me. But more and more, u always give me faith for our love.

'' aku tuh bukannya cowok yang ngga menghormati perempuan. Aku kalo udah suka sama itu perempuan. Insya Allah ga akan nyesel ''

so, i lay my hands back down and i leave my hands then pray to be only yours i pray. To be only yours bcz i know now ur my only hope.

I hope ur the right someone, no one else, the last my love and everlasting gonna be.
( I love you so much M.A )

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